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I’ve never played a Vampire Survivors clone before, and I see why the genre is so popular!

The version I downloaded doesn’t seem to have a cap on how many items of a type you can choose, and at some point, some items no longer seem have an description or an effect attached to them.

While I don’t have a full overview of what items are affected in what way, I am reasonably certain that the stopwatch retains its effect.

In unrelated news, the succubus seems to be immortal. I’m not sure if this is a bug or intended as a way to limit how long a game can last.


she's a stand in for death, you've passed the level when she appears, i also made it so she teleports to you if you ever actually kill her

i dont know why the items arent being removed from the pool as they should be and often are in testing

all items should always have their effects since they do the same thing at every level, but the weapons are supposed to cap out at 8 and accessories at 5 (except the mirror, which is OP)


Fun little game.  One problem I noticed was issues with lag as you progress into the game and more and more projectiles, hearts, and enemies wind up on the screen at once.  I'm pretty sure I dropped down to single digit frames per second by the time I beat the game and the succubus showed up to finish me off herself.

yeah, html5 limits the memory, it cant handle all the objects

download version should be fine though

I'm trying it on linux and I get an error message when selecting a girl right before the level start:



action number 1

of Create Event

for object o_spawner:

Platform doesn't support surface created with format 6

at gml_Object_o_spawner_Create_0


gml_Object_o_spawner_Create_0 (line -1)```

Don't know if there is much you can do about it :/

Also I wish it was writter somewhere that pression X skip the intro

you can skip it with enter after youve seen it once

When i download the Game in the Itch.IO App and start it, it wants to install a steam game called "Spacewar"? wtf is this

thats the default steam code for steamworks stuff i forgot to disable it when exporting

cause i have the code for achievements in there but i dont have the app id for the game yet

space war is also a hidden game pirates use on steam

yeah cool, but i want to play YOUR game and not any other game what i have not downloaded and dont want to play in the browser ^^ so would be amazing if u can fix that. 

uploaded a new version with the steamworks stuff hopefully disabled,

yes now is the game starting, thank you ^^ 


The html5 version sure cant handle all those enemies/gems/hearts/etc