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I'm on the part with the minotaur and all of a sudden the framerate drops to slower than a slug.

Thank you, apparently I really am an idiot for not understanding right away, but no, just like the first time, I was devoured by a demon and then I woke up in my bed, the difference was that in the bad ending it was night and in my case it was light, but I don’t think it’s important everything will work out correctly

i dont really understand whats going on, you should only get devoured if you enter the circle

I may be a complete idiot and don’t understand anything, but I can’t understand. How to finish the game, I collected everything you need for the ending. And first I got a bad ending, the co-scene of the bad ending went through, then I repeated the beginning of the ritual again, another cut-scene began in which I can’t finish the character, I have to get dressed by going to the closet, but she writes: “There is nothing I need,” I don’t understand what I should do, is it a mistake or I broke something


are you saying that the 2nd time you got the bad ending you couldnt finish it?
the ritual is simple just blow out the candles without stepping into the circle

Bug to report, in the board game if you get to the tree across from the boat, you have the option to turn right which lets you walk off the board completely

yeah now its really sounding like youre playing an old version somehow

so im just gonna re-export and reupload

Weird maybe my download messed up somehow, i'll try redownloading at some point sorry about this!

dont overwrite the old one with the new download, i just broke my rpgmaker so i cant be sure it works

Hey i'm a bit stuck, I have finished chef, maid, tea guy and gardner but now I have no idea where to go, I cannot find the basement key (Gate beside cold storage) and from the comments i've read, I might need the minotaur? But he is no longer spawning since I went out back and finished the gardener so am I missing something or bugged? Thank you, loving the game so far

there was a thing i fixed where the back door didnt reset the number so theyd re-appear again after a few rooms.

I did put a button to spawn him in the basement but i suppose you escaped out the back door before unlocking that...

if you join the discord i can fix your save so he can re-appear

in my project file leaving via the back door sets the number to 2 so if you move 2 rooms after that he should re-appear

if you got rid of them via the trapdoor all you need to do is head to the kitchen cellar for them to break free

Okay I loaded an earlier save and beat the minotaur, it looks like if you grab the backdoor key and leave before beating him that it stops him from respawning again

its weird if that bug is still around cause i fixed it a month ago and reuploaded, so the itch version should already be fixed

I have no idea where's should be key from attic. I'm already explore entire basement, kill minotaur,  found stone tablet and candle. And also: there's way how to can see all scenes?

the key for the attic is in the lower right of the basement, you push the crates and raise the water level to build a bridge to it

its a classic puzzle from resident evil 2 (technically 1 as well but you dont need to raise the water in that one, just push the blocks into water)

(1 edit)

Hold on. I said what I took stone tablet. Is that the key or what? Because there's nothing more. And nothing about 2nd question (technically it was 1st question, but 2nd topic what about I wrote)?

(Oh, nevermind. I found attic)

Now I have another problem: I can't solve puzzles like the one behind the door on the floor with the twins.

the solution is in the trailer on steam

its simpler than youd think

There's the problem: I cannot think).

I'm so thank you for helping.  Game was very interesting. Yes, some events was hard for dumb players (like me), but still it was very cool. I have only 2 complaint: 1. There's no "load" button in character's menu, what sometimes is a little bit annoying. 2. "esc" not working after you begin/complete endings.

Anyway it's a very goodgame.

Deleted 243 days ago

put out fire for shortcut

Thanks first i did chef maid and tea guy idk what to do and how to do can you help please 

get water in bottle, put out fireplace fire, go through fireplace to reach next room (without running)

though if youre in the demo there should only be maid/chef/tea guy

Oh thanks it looks like i finished it nice work

Now i have another problem. I lack 1 last candle. The only thing that i am aware of it's a mirror room. As i see, everything is right, but nothing happens

curtains, switch, dolls, do the colours match in both rooms?

Can't find a way to get to spade in the garden. to get to it i need spade

you go all the way around and fix the bridge by pushing the bridge segment back in line with the others

yeah. i did it. found gardeners remains. still have no idea, how to get to spade

its in the first room of the gas area, you go around the room clockwise until you reach the broken bridge, further down theres a piece of bridge that you examine to push it back in place

Thanks. For the long time i wasn't able to just walk on the grass

some people were missing it entirely so i added a sparkle

this game brakes steam's term and condition (you are not allowed sell steam keys on a 3 party site if the price is less then the price of the game on steam)

my mistake, i thought it was 10usd on both, i have ammended the price

welp lol i think i softlocked myself, i got caught by the minotaur (the damn cow was right in my hiding spot like going from sad to noticed me and kept on looping) and after the scene he didn't seem to spawn anymore.

playing via steam if that helps

leaving the mansion via the back entrance was the only way that broke the minotaur earlier, they should normally re-appear after a few rooms

(and i fixed the back door already)

ahh... yea i went out the back right after getting caught lol, i don't mind restarting due to my screw up,  it's a good game hahaha.

i mean that shouldve been fixed, the only issue is before it would stop the stalker without resetting the room timer on him returning

sorry, i'm dumb i didn't see the other part XD

i'm guessing it was bugged out from how the minotaur reacted to me hiding in the closet, i tried playing again and staying inside to see if he'll respawn and got nothing.

it seems the approach move route is still triggering it hmm...

I also got lucky and he never entered the room with the 3 closets until i left the closet

im azurezero on discord if you'd like to share screencaps or your savefile so i can investigate

the original test event had the closets room as a seperate room so it checked if you were in hiding when the minotaur entered the room and went to the far side to look if not, so you could jump out behind him and run


I was able to claim the steam key by resending my download links and it did successfully activate the key in steam as well.

is that by following the you own this game link?

Yes that is right

Hi, I'm kinda stuck. I can't seem to find the way into the attic. I've checked various places but to no avail. I already buried the gardener but I can't find anything about the attic except for the mistress saying to tell her twins that she wants to dine with them later.

you lure the minotaur into the trapdoor in the dance hall and head to the cellar entrance for him to break the door open

the attic key item is in the basement

I see, thanks!

Now I'm stuck again, lol. I got rid of the minotaur, got the piece, completed the twins game and the other puzzle in the attic too. But now I'm missing 1 dust. The last dust.

So far, I've got the one from the gardener, the twins, the maid, and the chef. Which one is missing?

the minotaur is the last piece, gotta smush him to death

So, Steam achievements are working alright, I just have issue with one:

Any hints on 'You did that deliberately didn't you...' ?

it involves trapping yourself in the storeroom with the moving boxes, just block the doorway with a box

Awesome! Thanks! I enjoyed the game and I'll be working through other your titles!

kate's test and sd quest have the funniest writing

(using google translator)  
I need 1 salt and 1 candle.   
I know where they are but not how to get them.  
I already have the gardener's remains but I interact with it and it doesn't do anything. 
and in the attic I don't know how to solve the puzzle of the twins' rooms

you cant bury the gardener at the grave in the front yard?

twin puzzle you mirror the two rooms, move the dolls, close/open the curtains, and make the switch the opposite of what it is in the other room

and the sliding puzzle solution after that is in the steam trailer

How can I complete the chef? I already finished the rest of the misions

which part? cause you need to swap outfits to retrieve the milk safely

Deleted 272 days ago

This is fun if a little obtuse from time to time, but it's a puzzle game so that's probably fine.

I wonder if you softlock if you finish the gardener and his key before dealing with the minotaur. I had no idea how to handle him so I evaded and got the key. He's stopped appearing in the house and I can't re-trigger.

the minotaur should reappear after 3 or so rooms, but you should wait a little in each room. as long as they've been released and not dropped in the basement, they should still appear

though i suppose it is possible that leaving via the back door doesnt change the delay number so if it was already 0 then perhaps it might not reappear... makes me wish i found a place for the basement key instead of needing the minotaur

(3 edits)

I'm playing the Steam version of the game. I collected the 3 scraps of paper however when I use the numbers from the 3 papers on the combination lock it just says "No, it's not that..." and the door remains locked. Any other combination has a different response with it saying "I was sure it was that... Unless?" Is there something I'm missing? I can't find anything else to interact with. (Edit: I got it the middle note is supposed to be upside down. However it looks like the messages for the codes are mixed.)


ahh i see, the unless thing is the only part thats wrong for me
the code is correctly down as 5094 and has been since before the steam release


I have fixed the code hint, it was set to if not 5604

In the board game, I went from the left against the rock, I lost, I got the option to go right then I guess I went right forever? I was in the gallerry mode and for some reason sofia wasn't showing up on the board

can you link a picture showing where it happened so i know where to look?

Okay, playing on Steam, and had a few questions. Where can I find the spade? I'm pretty sure that I need it for the chest in the area near the barn, but the gardener is of no help, and the mistress of the house just keeps commenting on how her 'pet' is following me around. Follow-up question, but I've already killed the minotaur, and this may just be my computer overheating, but the minotaur keeps spawning in the stairs less than ten seconds after I return to the second floor. It's a really great game, though. I really like it.

(For context, I have three salts and two candles, from the maid, the minotaur, and one of the twins.)


encountered a few bugs- I got stuck outside the level a couple of times near stairs and had to reload. Additionally, crushing the minotaur didn't 'kill' it- you can see I have all five saults and the big goofus is still after me, though he now appears to be confined to the 1st floor. 


game cant be played with touch controls alone, so no android port

I am not sure how to win against the tea guy. The top door in the room is locked and when the minotaur is released he dissapears.

fireplace + water

the clue is the carpet in the bar on the other side of the wall from the fireplace

can't seem to find the garden key

it's in the minotaur's room

unless you mean the barn one, in which case the chef gives it to you after youve got the meat and he needs milk

(1 edit)

thanks for the help

no problem

How do I lure the minotaur into the crusher? he keeps going around it

i just wait til they charge at me and run over the button

ill admit i am so lost. ive gotten 2 salts (maid and chef) but i have no clue what to do next. i love what ive seen so far, but all ive seen is pretty much what was in the demo. id love a walkthrough, or at the very least a push in the right direction

have you found the 3 notes for the input lock? theres one in the maid quarters, one in the art room, and one in the library

i had found the first and third scrap, couldnt find the 2nd, so i tried every remaining combo until i got it, which was probably a waste of time, but bottom line, i opened the minotaurs room and the back garden, but have no idea where to go after doing the bridge puzzle.

last scrap is probably in the library, its in one of the books on the top right
you need the spade to dig up the gardener ghosts remains in the room following the bridge puzzle, which is in the bottom right of the first room inside the plantgirl area

(1 edit)

how do we get rid of the minotaur

basement crusher

thank you

How do you get at the crusher? I know it's in the locked door past cold storage but I can't seem to find a key...

i feel like there is a key somewhere, but since i cant remember where i put it, arm the trap door in the dance hall and drop the minotaur down there, then try and go to the cellar basement entrance (in the kitchen) and the minotaur will break the door

I completed the chef and maid lines but have no idea where the gardener or the twins are. Am I just blind?

need to open the central room on the 1st floor first, 3 notes are scattered about the mansion which you can figure out the code with

I got the 3 paper scraps with the 4 digit code on it. Is there anything special I need to do with the code because when I put it in what I believe is the right order, it says "No, it's not that.."?


middle note is upside down, im considering changing what she says when you do it wrong to "unless im not reading the notes right"

Thank you so much!

(1 edit)

How do you get the furnace controls unstuck? I have been looking for a while. I have not found an item that makes it work.

the furnace is just decoration, what did you think you needed it for?

I need to put out the fire down there to put out the fire in the master bedroom no? or is there another way to do that because water doesn't work


i never thought of anything to put behind it :3

what are you struggling with?

I'm missing the last candle and salt. I have no Idea how to get to the secret room in the basment if it isn't behind the fireplace.

you get the minotaur chasing you and lure it into the masher in the room in the top right for the 5th soul

did you get the candle in the garden between the barn and house?

after the tea guy event, i could not open up the menu and couldnt save

beating it or losing?

i see it was beating it. oddly this bug never got spotted in the demo

for now you can fix it by deliberately losing to him after winning but im uploading a fix soon

upload complete

In the picture room, the third picture has a prompt to look closer at it.  But the prompt seems to not do anything.  Also I have done the maid, and the gardener is there anyone else around the mansion I can help?


Is there actually a way to get into the room with the combination lock or not yet?

not in the demo i don't think.

it might be in the patreon version but i can't be sure there either

(1 edit)

I just realized, I think the outdoor 2nd story overlook is missing a door :(

And how much is in the demo currently?

i was supposed to move the lady npc but moved the door by accident, the only way to get back in is to have had sex with her husband first

(1 edit)

Thank you, cant wait for the full release ^^

i did upload a fix earlier too

love what im seeing so far in the demo, but a few questions: 

1, i cant seem to find the last two plants upstairs. i assume that they are in the room with the combination lock, but i havent been able to find anything that would hint at what it is. is that implemented yet and if so, how do i find the combo?

2, theres a room just to the left of the storage room (not the library to the south), when i interact with the door, the screen fades to black for a moment and nothing happens. is there a way to unlock it somewhere or is it just a bug and i cant get in?

3, is there a definitive point where the demo would end? because ive played demos where they dont actually tell you that the demo is over, and you just think you suck at the game (which believe me, is a definite possibility with my stupid ass)

1. theyre out on the balcony i think but be sure to get fucked by the master in the master bedroom first (maid outfit) so the mistress can fuck you and put you back inside, as long as you dont get in the bath you'll remain with his scent on you so she'll always punish you and put you inside

2. i still havent put a room there even though the games almost done.

3.  there's no definite point because the things you can do can be done in any order (except for needing the maid outfit for the chef questline)

Does the candle lamp already serve a purpose in the demo?

it doesnt, but the ritual currently requires 5 of them.
because i realised that people would wonder why you cant just snag the 2 candelabras from the dining hall

the final goal of the game is to perform the ritual

what room do you have to reach in the butler minigame

the one above the starting room, if you examine both rooms closely, you should find a solution

what is the room called?

the bar and the living room

Deleted 355 days ago

i cannot leave the balcony as there appears to be no door and the npc outside has no dialogue :(

the npc only has dialogue if you got the scene in the master bedroom first,

she wasnt meant to be in the demo and i accidentally moved the door instead of the npc when i uploaded the bugfixes

You forgot to mark this as Adult!


thanks for that!!

No problem!

Seems like it could be a really fun game but the demo is really buggy. I can't re-dress at the bath either with normal clothes or maid clothes, I met the maid before I could unlock the bath to see her, I have no idea where the spirit in the waiting room goes when he plays a game with you, and after failing the game I can walk through walls. I'll try it some more later, but either way good luck with the game!

he's in the room above, but you can't reach him without doing soemthing else first
(you can get to the room if you walk but not to him)

After getting to that room and talking to him I completely lose the ability to open the menu.

the redressing thing is weird, but i did solve the thing where being naked still doesnt let you in...
it's weird though, since the clothes drawers feel like the old version i already replaced

Yeah, I thought the same thing. I swear your other games have had nearly identical mechanics without any issue so I wasn't sure why it'd suddenly be buggy.

"Cannot read property 'build' of undefined" is currently popping up when I try to download the demo.

Currently not able to download it in the Itch app. It works from the website.

i hadnt flagged the zip as something that can run on windows

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