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Hi maybe im just silly but how o you access vouyers dream journal after beating the game? I can't use my grappling hook, and i think im missing something!

it should teleport you right there after the ending

(after the good ending)

hey in the church section where the head gasses you, and afterwards you wake up brain washed , do you get a bad end from this because im stuck  here in what to do next to progress

search the toilets

oooh i did't check all of them because they looked the same asset copy and pasted

thats how they are irl if theyre clean

This was great, though missed opportunity not having Voyuer's live2d show up for a bit with the collar on with a blank expression at the end of her bad ending.  Also might be worth mentioning v2 of the game was extremely laggy for me, but thankfully downloading an older version let me play without any problems.

originally there was gonna be a scene with both of them getting screwed together but id already created multiple models for that end already

im not sure what changes v2 had anymore besides bug fixes

Well the old version I grabbed was 1.96 and it seemed to preload everything which might've been what helped.

ahh, i got complaints that that thing breaks on some pcs so i took it out

Why is PayPal not an option?

Really excited for a sequel! do we have an ETA/ release date on the sequel?

hopefully 4 months from now, being generous at 1 month per scenario

nice nice

I'm having trouble with an FPS drop with Mission 3 and doing the puzzles with the Bridge that appears for 8 seconds then it disappears but with the FPS drop i always have to go in somewhat blind and I fall over and over again,  is it possible to get a save that I'm passed that or any other in the mission.

here, be sure to save in slot 12 before adding it (or rename it to whichever slot you wanna put it in

Thank you

i really love this game. it adds just the right balance of puzzle solving and sexiness. i just cant figure out how to get past the deaconess for the life of me. im not entirely complaining, because that bad ending is one of the hottest things ive seen in a long time, but i just want to know how to beat her

the bad end was gonna be hotter, but id already created 2 live2d models for it and iddnt have the energy to show both of them getting fucked while kissing eachother

and YOU HAVE A HOOKSHOT, use it on her!

i thought that was one of the first things i tried, but i guess not. thx for the help, and i hope to see more like this in the future!

im half considering making another game with her tbh, but im honeslty getting torn back and forth trying to decide what to make next

no reason you cant jot down ideas for one game on a notebook or google doc or something while working on a different game. hell, you could even do 2 at once if you feel your up to the task. i know that there are some xxx game devs who get shit done on multiple projects at once, but im sure that takes up a lot of time/effort and creates a lot of stress for the dev. just dont overwork yourself or spit out a game thats less than what you want it to be

i used to juggle projects so i could keep working when i got bored of a particular type of task, burnout means i cant though, i have to choose

i made a top down prototype this week but im having trouble conceptualising the actual world map (even though its just a basic cabin in the woods with a few dungeons

i wanna make lewd slay the spire but rpgmaker keeps getting in the way, and i cant do it in game maker cause i lose live2d

i also have a live2d model made for my next rpg, but the plot isnt strong enough yet so i got stuck there too

so yeah, i need to decide what to make properly

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a bit buggy on parts but a lot of really good concepts, in general a stealth porn game is really good idea. the art is super cute and hot in all the right ways

honestly the whole last stage is a great concept, girl goes undercover in a hypnosis facility/cult and slowly gets indoctrinated. great stuff. the bad ending in there is really good to. using the defeat of a partner to hypnotize another person is a devilishly hot concept

i did actually have a concept for a similar concept with a police girl, normal end gets you brainwashed, good end requires faking results in the cults tests to proceed further through the facility

like if theyre brainwashing you to cum when giving a bj, you need to fake it with a vibrator and walk around outside until youre about to cum

only reason i didnt make it was i couldnt think of enough religious tenets to make puzzles out of

ooooo that sounds super fun. hope you get a chance to flesh it out sometime, though just stay focused on what you like!

i only thought of one tenet and it was the one i used in sylphy "to give is to receive"

The lockpick mini game causes really big FPS drops. from stable 60 to like 2 FPS.  Happens everytime it comes on screen.

it is loading a lot of images at once... i even shrunk the images down but there was no difference... i even preloaded the images, and it still messes up on the first loop

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the older version doesn't have this problem, so maybe look into the changes from the versions?

alternatively could you just remove them? 

i wonder if the issue started after i added the preloader

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grapling hook is not working.  version 1.99 if that has anything to do with it

can i get a save for after the lock picking at the start my game freezes when im doing it.

what kind of freeze?

if you send me your save i can get you past it

discord - Azurezero#4851

just the usual rpgmv freeze when there's too much going on in the game so I just need a save for after its unlocked so I can do the Minotaur quest the demo had a slight freeze but I was able to get around that.

normally it flickers only on the first loop of lockpicking images...

it's a shame the instant it's over it plays the end of the level

Hi, I was trying out the demo and I may have soft locked my game during the minotaur section.
When I'd gathered two pieces of the paining, i put them into the frame, then went exploring for the last piece. Once I got it it, Sylphy said that it's the last. I took it back, and on interacting with the frame, she said she hoped this works, and put the piece in. Then, nothing. If I interact with the now complete painting, it says I should find more pieces, but nothing about the map seems to have changed. I'm unsure of what to do next. o:


yeah theres actually 4 pieces the variables were just set up wrong

1. bedroom on the lowest floor

2. locked in the room you have to open from the other side by dropping down the hole the minotaur first fell down

3. top of the tower unlocked by stone tablet

4. inside the mausoleum (blocked by fire on the same floor as the stone tablet)

Oh, alright! I think I'm missing piece #2, in that case. Thank you :)


be sure to drop down the boulder hole first because you need to open the door (you can hook back up as long as the boulder hasnt been pushed)

Appreciate it a bunch, that worked :)

I'm enjoying the experience!

hey, I just wanted to say that I love your games. great art, solid game play 10/10

Thank you, really. That means a lot.

I'm considering buying this game. Could you briefly tell me how much hypnosis actually happens in the hypnosis level?

she's hypnotised to strip for an art class, amplifying her need for attention by pointing out that she has an exhibitionistic streak.
once naked she can be hypnotised to suck dicks for the art class.

theres a few optional scenes to grind for a promotion after those. the collar she's wearing makes her more susceptible to suggestion.
and theres the bad end, which is my favourite scene in the game due to how devilish an idea it was.

they send a recording of brainwashed sylphy getting fucked silly to voyeur, and the video is laced with hypnotic suggestion to get her aswell

Sounds interesting! I'll try to get this game someday if I can budget for it then.

it will have a launch discount on steam in a few days

I'll look into that. I have enough friends that know my steam account that I wouldn't want to play a game like this on it though.

is there anywhere to fix the missing portrait art bug


apologies, what I meant to put was the character art at the side of the screen is missing for me, I was just wondering if there was a way to fix that

does it change if you save and reload?

im wondering if there's any dumb pre-requisites like directx but all i can find is stuff to run the editor


I wish i could help you, it works at my end... link me your save to see if it occurs when i load it?

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I'm encountering a glitch where the sewer door opens and then closes so that I can't start the third mission, any fixes?

is this after talking to voyeur/having a bath/ getting dressed/ talking to voyeur again?

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Yes it is, the door opens when I enter the room and then immediately closes again

thats weird... are you playing v1.94?

Yes, I just downloaded v1.94 2 days ago

if you send your save via discord i can take a look


At the third mission, i can't find a exit after be discovered in the deaconess domina office

How i can find an exit ?

girls bathroom, open all doors

is there a way to buy this game on other sides beside patreon or here, i dont have a credit card to buy it here and on patreon i had problems in the past with paypal billing

it's coming to steam in a few weeks, i just need to get all the promo materials and trailer done before i can get the store page up, also theres a minimum wait while the store page is up before they'll let me release

Im at the lockpicking part of the second mission and the heart meter is filling too quickly. Please help.

you get penalties for moving when the dick is in, and for stepping on the same tile twice, it's red light green light, so focus on the red/green switch if you have to

you can also still hold shift to run

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I’m stuck on the third mission, after you get caught and you find the grapple, I just do not know where to go. I feel like I’ve tried everything but I can’t seem to find a key to the door or anywhere I can grapple.

Edit: never mind I wouldn’t have thought to check there but I found it

Hi! I'm on windows and im having an issue with the game not loading when I press the executable. I'm just wondering if you know how to fix this? I really want to enjoy the game! (no error message is showing and i've tried the typical PC fixes to no avail)

I haven't a clue sorry... it runs at my end...
did the demo work? or is this a problem with the full game?

the game only takes up about 280mb in memory... i did wonder if you had a lower spec pc...

i do remember when i had older laptops mv games taking a while to load

do you have more than one pc to try it on?

The design of this game is really cool ! Could I make a letsplay video of it ? (knowing that I'm making ads revenur from it just like any youtuber ^^')

of course but you ought to wait til it's done, i've seen your stuff on xvideos too

Cool ^^ Ok no problem I will wait for this game. Can I make some videos on the other finished game you made ? :)

of course

game is done now

So cool ! I will make a video soon then ^^

looking forward to it

I am quite lost, I need to find two more pieces of the painting and have no idea where else to go or what to do, I got into the room that's blocked by the fire but I have absolutely no clue what to do in there. Could I get some hints please?

Also I found a bug, when I loaded the game, her portrait was fully clothed, even though it was naked and orgasm when I saved the game, her sprite is naked like it was when I saved btw.

you hookshot the left candle thing in the room blocked by fire, and the other is probably the one you get by dropping down the area where the minotaur fell at the start

Azure, seems great! How do you get out of the opening room? After talking to the girl, i tried to grapple everything in the first room and got stuck :(

you examine the wall she slid out to enter the room... i'd have added a sparkle... but...well... i already need the tile for the door itself

Thank you! Great stuff! :)

i thought voyeurs comment on "going out the way you came in would be enough

gotcha, yeah I was surprised to struggle too, that’s not like me. Thanks for the info, you’re the best! Keep making awesome games, I love your content!


found some bugs:
the portrait image sometimes appears in the center of the screen (not in the rectangle on the right side of the screen). It usually happens after loading game.

On minotaur rape scene it always shows me two dicks. Always.

After day 1 ended, the portrait didn't change from nude/orgasm. After trying again and loading the game, the portrait changed but it appeared on the center of the screen, and also, MC sprite still appears nude.

Also you should add a Load feature in menu.

i don't know how to add a load feature because there isnt one originally 

hopefully the changes i already made will fix the loading issue, but you dont get your clothes back after being captured